Curriculum as a Product – Knowledge and Curriculum / Target B.Ed

Curriculum as a Product is an important topic in the subject Knowledge and Curriculum of B.Ed 2nd year. We are creating all the important topics of this subject and it is uploaded in the website. If you want to see the videos on these topics, then you can check my YouTube channel Target B.Ed.

We have already discussed Curriculum, Bases of curriculum and models of curriculum. Here we will discuss about Curriculum as a product. In my next post we will discuss Curriculum as a Process.

Curriculum as a Product

First of all lets understand that what is product in curriculum?

Product means the outcome and the results which we receive after curriculum process.

Curriculum as product involves making judgments about the effectiveness of curriculum.

When we receive the result after completion of lesson or course. On the basis of that result a teacher judges that curriculum has achieved its goal.

The curriculum was set by experts to achieve the set of objectives. So after the completion of course or dueing the course a teacher keeps on evaluating their students that he/she is on the right track.

The result which we receive after evluating their students is said to be product.

It involves gathering information and making judgments or decisions based on the information collected to determine how well the curriculum is performing.

The principal reason for curriculum evaluation is to plan improvement to the curriculum.

In the assessment phase information will be gathered from students, teachers and administrators.

Information from teachers helps in knowing the strength, weakness and problems in teaching curriculum.

Teacher gathers information from students and through this they get an idea that how well students are able to understand.

Which teaching style works better and which not.

Which teaching aids helps in teaching effectively.

Is their any need to make changes in their teaching style. Or is their any need to make changes in the curriculum.

Information from students helps in knowing how well we are achieving the objectives

Main objective of the curriculum is to whatever we want to teach, student understand it properly.

Information from students helps in understanding that curriculum has achieved its objective.

If not, then what changes can be implemented to achieve the objective


Piloting activities include training, monitoring, evaluation, analysis and report writing.

Piloting is a process in which teachers are trained that how they can collect information by monitoring and evaluating students.

Teachers act as pilot who has command on evrything from teaching curriculum to evaluating students and making changes if required.

Piloting helps in refining the programme.

Curriculum should be continuously assessed

Continuous assessment and final examinations gives feedback for formative and summative evaluation

Evaluation will further help in improving curriculum.

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