Bases of Curriculum B.Ed notes/ Knowledge and Curriculum – Target B.Ed

Curriculum and its bases is a topic of subject knowledge and Curriculum in B.Ed 2nd year. In earlier article we have discussed in detail that what is Curriculum, Curriculum development, needs and importance of curriculum. In this article we will discuss about the “Bases of Curriculum”.

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Curriculum development has several bases. When planning for curriculum, two categories of basis are:

1. That is instructional in nature

2. Those that affect people directly

The instructional bases of curriculum planning include planning domains, the context or characteristics of the school situation, the impact of current trends and issues, and the use of strategic planning.

Those bases of curriculum planning that affect people directly include student and teacher needs, local curriculum problems to be addressed, competencies of planners, etc.

The curriculum should enable all young people to become

Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.

Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.

Responsible citizens who make positive contributions to society.

Bases of Curriculum

Philosophical Basis

At the foundation of every curriculum, there is the educational philosophy of people directly involved in the process of curriculum development.

Philosophy determines the goal of life and education tries to achieve that goal.

Philosophy tells what are beliefs and the nature of people ¢Sources of truth and values should be taught.

Philosophy guides which instructional styles should use to match children learning styles.

What role should be played by the school in the society?

What role should be played by the teacher in the learning process?

Political basis

Curriculum depends on local, state and national political standards.

For approval of funds, infrastructure, curriculum materials, examination system, teaching standards etc

Economic basis

Curriculum content should influence learners to achieve academic goals which will ultimately help in increasing nation’s economy.

Technological Bases

Curriculum development should include contents related to updated technology. Learning centers must equip with computer education, use of multimedia technology.

Social Bases

Curriculum development should consider social diversity. As we have different religion, traditions, culture, languages so it is very important to consider all these factors.

Psychological bases

While constructing curriculum psychology helps in understanding the behaviour of learners.

Through education, efforts are made for bringing desirable changes in the behavior of the learners.

It helps curriculum developers in deciding what content and learning experiences can be included in the curriculum.

Curriculum should have enough variety and elasticity to allow individual differences, needs, and interests.

Sociological bases

Every society, community or nation has an essential social obligation to arrange the education of children.

Sociological considerations influence curriculum development in following distinct ways:-

It provides a way of carrying out changes in the behavior of the students as per the needs and demands of the society or nation.

To make students work towards cultural and social changes needed for the society

To preserve the culture and transmit it to young children.

To prepare the learners for the future society

Thus sociological considerations provide necessary guidelines for developing a useful curriculum for the betterment and the progress of society.

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