Communicative Approach & Cooperative learning


¢The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning.

¢CLT techniques, learn and practice the target language through the interaction with one another and the instructor

¢When learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language.

¢According to CLT, the goal of language education is the ability to communicate in the target language

Advantages of Communicative Approach

¢Increase of fluency in the target language.

¢This enables the learners to be more confident when interacting with other people.

¢Children acquire grammar rules as a necessity to speak so is more proficient and efficient. ¢lessons are more learner-centered.

¢It develops correct language habits.

¢It develops command over vocabulary and structures.

¢It is situational, meaningful, motivating  others and self rewarding.

Disadvantages of Communicative Approach

¢It is difficult for the teacher alone to check the language use of every student, especially in a big class.

¢CLT approach focuses on fluency but not accuracy. Thus they may produce incoherent, grammatically incorrect sentences.

¢It increases the workload of teacher, it depends on the teacher how motivating or boring the lesson will be.

¢Knowledge of the teacher must be very good for this.

¢Weaker learners who struggle and cannot use the target language accurately continue to make mistakes and eventually give up.

Cooperative learning

¢Cooperative learning is the process of breaking a classroom of students into small groups so they can discover a new concept together and help each other learn.

¢All cooperative learning methods share the idea that students work together to learn and are responsible for their team-mates learning as well as their own.

¢The idea of co-operative work is to teach the objectives to all the members of the team.

Organising Co-operative learning

¢Cooperative groups are generally comprised of a mix of students based on ability level. For example, groups may be comprised of four to five students, which include two or three average students, one below average student, and one student who is above average.

¢ Ideally students should only work together with the same students once a year or it can be changed approximately every two or three months.

¢Group should not be large, number of students should be confined to 10 or 15.

¢Students should sit in a circle or a semi circle for better communication.

¢Appropriate names should be assigned to all the groups.

¢One good student should be chosen as group leader from each group.

¢It is the duty of the teacher to prepare different exercises for the different groups.

¢The group leader explain the task to his team and assign the work to each student.

¢The teacher should take care that each group understands clearly what they are supposed to do.

¢The teacher should be ready for the supervision and guidance when required.

Advantages of Co-operative learning

¢Cooperative learning is fun, so students enjoy it and are more motivated.

¢Cooperative learning is interactive, so students are engaged, active participants in the learning.

¢Cooperative learning allows discussion and critical thinking, so students learn more and remember what they’ve learned for a longer period of time.

¢Cooperative learning requires students to learn to work together, which is an important skill for their futures.

¢Cooperative learning requires students to learn to work together, which is an important skill for their futures.

¢It provides leadership training to one and all.

Disadvantages of Co-operative learning

¢Not all students work well with others, and may cause conflict within a group. This can potentially sabotage a cooperative learning environment.

¢Not all lessons are ideal for group work. Easy or straightforward concepts may not be as interesting or successful in a cooperative learning assignment.

¢Cooperative learning groups can create a level of noise within the classroom that the teacher might not be comfortable with, or know how to manage well.

¢It lays too much stress on social skill training and lesser on language acquisition.

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