DDRC – District Disability Rehabilitation Centre | DDRC PDF download

District Disability Rehabilitation Centre (DDRC) is an initiative by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India, to facilitate comprehensive services to Persons with Disabilities in the rural areas.   

These units have a group of rehabilitation professions for providing services like Identification of Persons with Disabilities, Awareness Generation, Early Detection and Intervention, Provision / Fitment, Follow-up and repairing of Assistive Devices, Therapeutic Services like Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy etc., and facilitation of Disability Certificates, Buss Passes and other concessions/ facilities for Persons with Disabilities

 DDRC’s is a joint venture of Central and State Governments wherein Central Government will establish, initiate, implement the centre for three years involving funding for man power contingencies as well as required equipments and coordination.   

 State Government will provide provision for rent free , well connected building, basic infrastructure, furniture, monitoring and coordination of activities through District Management Team

Objectives of setting up of DDRC

 Setting up of District Disability Rehabilitation Centres (DDRCs) which would provide rehabilitative support to persons with disabilities through  

  • Survey & identification of persons with disabilities through camp approach : Camps and workshops are organized time to time to identify the persons who has certain kind of disability. Surveys are conducted by the team to find out disable people and to create awareness among people.
  • Facilitation of disability certificate, bus passes and other concession/facilities for persons with disabilities : Disability certificate are given to disable people so that they can get the benefit of concession and free facilities provided by the government like free bus passes.
  • Assisting in the issue of Unique Disability Identity Card (UDID) to divyangjan in the District : Disabled person are given unique disability identity card so that they can get the benefit of benefits provided by government.
  • Awareness Generation for encouraging and enhancing prevention of disabilities : Events & programmes organized from time to time to create awareness among people so that disability can be identified as early as possible and can be treated at early stage.
  • Early detection and intervention as well as maintaining data of organizations working for the empowerment of persons with disabilities in the district etc..
  •  Early Intervention and facilitating Insurance Schemes launched by the National Trust/Department for Divyangjan 
  • Assessment of need of assistive devices, provision/fitment of assistive devices, follow up/repair of assistive devices, assisting the ADIP/ALMICO camps for distribution of aids and assistive devices in the district
  • Therapeutic Services e.g. Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy etc. : Experts are appointed to treat and help the disabled person such as physiotherapist helps in restoring movement and function of body parts due to any injury or illness.
  • Referral and arrangement of surgical correction through Govt. & Charitable institutes : Arrangements has been done to provide medical facilities through govt & charitable institutes.
  • Arrangement of loans for self employment, through banks & other financial institutions : Disabled persons are provide the facility of loans for self employment or for any other purpose through banks and other financial institutions.
  • Counseling of persons with disabilities, their parents & family members : Counselling has been done from time to time of disabled persons to increase the self confidence and motivate them.
  • Promotion of barrier free environment and to play an active role in the Accessible India campaign of the department.
  •  To provide supportive and complimentary services to promote education : Arrangements has been done to promote the education of disabled people. Supportive environment and complimentary services are given to motivate the disabled to study and educate themselves.
  • Assisting students with disabilities for availing Scholarship Schemes of the Department, vocational training/ Skill Training of eligible Divangjan.
  • Employment for persons with disabilities through :-   Providing orientation training to teachers, community and families
  •  Providing training to persons with disabilities for early motivation and early stimulation for education, vocational training and employment.  
  • Identifying suitable vocations for persons with disabilities, keeping in view local resources and designing and providing vocational training and identifying suitable jobs, so as to make them economically independent.  
  • Provide referral services for existing educational training, vocational institutions and to act as Outreach centre for the services provided by the National Institutes.

Role of Central Government in DDRC

 Funding for manpower deployed and contingencies as well as equipments required for DDRCs ·

For initial three years through implementation of PWD Act Scheme (5 yrs for NE states and J&K)  Technical inputs through training to staff of Districts, implementing agencies and DDRCs  Overall supervision, coordination and evaluation. Withdrawal after period of 3/5 years.

Role of state Govt. /District Admin.

 Provision of rent-free, well-connected building/space having provisions of electricity and water.  The support system e.g. telephones facility, furniture, etc for running the District Centres is also to be provided by State govt.  

Funds from center could be explored for improvement /construction of infrastructure  Identification of implementing agencies, deployment of manpower  Monitoring and coordination of activities of DDRCs, its convergence with other activities of district.

District Management Team (DMT)

 District Management Team (DMT) under chairmanship of District Collector is the main decision making body.

Important Functions are:

1. Selection of registered implementing agencies.

2. Deployment of Manpower and their service conditions.

3. Monitoring, coordination of activities of DDRC, even after handover.

4. Convergence with other activities of district.

5. Finalization of charges for various services provided through DDRCs and identifying other means of resource generation  

6. DMT also needs to make an attempt to make DDRC self sustaining in long run  

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