Gender Bias & Kinds of Gender Bias

Gender and gender bias are important topics that affect our society. Gender refers to the roles and expectations people have based on their sex. Gender bias is when people treat others unfairly because of their gender. It’s crucial to address these biases and work towards a fair and equal society for everyone.

What is Gender

Gender refers to the socially determined differences between women and men, such as roles, attitudes, behaviour and values.

According to WHO “ The word Gender is used to describe the characteristics, roles and responsibilities of women and men, boys and girls which are socially constructed. Gender is  related to how we are perceived and expected to think and act as women and men because of the way society is organized, not because of our biological differences.”

Gender refers to both men and women and the relations between them.

Difference between Gender & Sex


Sex refer to the biological attributes of an individual which is determined at the time of birth      

 It is primarily associated with biological and physiological features including chromosomes, gene, Hormone and body parts.

It is fixed and cannot change with time

It is not variable.                 

Sex is a category studied in  Biology.



Gender refers to the socially determined differences between women and men.

It is associated with roles, attitudes, behavior and values of male and female

It can change over time

It is variable from society to

It is studied in humanities and social sciences.

Gender Bias

Gender bias or gender discrimination is a term used when someone is treated less then other because of their gender (boy or girl).

It includes belief that one gender is superior to another.

Gender bias is unfair differences in the way men and women are treated.

Gender bias exists in both directions.

However if we see history and practical examples of today, it is generally gone against women.

Kinds of Gender Bias

Implicit Gender Bias

Implicit gender bias refers to the subconscious attitudes and stereotypes individuals hold about gender. These biases are often unintentional and can influence our perceptions, judgments, and behaviors. For example, a study found that people tend to associate leadership qualities more with men than women, reflecting a deep-rooted bias that can impact decision-making processes.

Implicit gender bias can have far-reaching consequences. It can affect hiring practices, promotion decisions, and everyday interactions. By raising awareness and challenging these biases, individuals and organizations can work towards creating a fairer and more inclusive environment.

Explicit Gender Bias

Explicit gender bias, also known as overt bias, is the conscious and intentional preference or prejudice based on gender. This type of bias is more visible and direct, often leading to discriminatory actions or behaviors. Examples of explicit gender bias include gender-based harassment, unequal pay for equal work, and gender-specific job requirements that perpetuate stereotypes.

Explicit gender bias perpetuates inequality and restricts opportunities for individuals. It reinforces harmful gender norms and prevents people from reaching their full potential. By addressing explicit bias through legal frameworks, policies, and cultural change, we can strive for a more equitable society.

Gender bias or differences can be seen in different areas of our society.

Gender biased roles

Where society has discriminated boys and girls by setting their roles. Roles should not be discriminated according to their gender

Gender bias in education

Gender discrimination in education refers to the differential treatment and opportunities provided to students based on their gender. This bias can manifest in various ways, such as gender-based stereotypes in subject choices, teacher expectations, and classroom interactions. Girls and boys may be encouraged or discouraged from pursuing certain fields or activities based on societal expectations.

Gender Discrimination in work places

  Gender bias refers to the systematic favoritism or prejudice towards individuals based on their gender. It manifests in various forms and can have a significant impact on the workplace environment and the experiences of employees. In this article, we will explore ten common types of gender bias that exist in the workplace, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals and the need for fostering equality and inclusion.

Unequal pay

One of the most prevalent forms of gender bias in the workplace is pay disparity. Studies have consistently shown that women tend to earn less than their male counterparts, even when they hold similar positions and possess similar qualifications and experience. This wage gap perpetuates gender inequality and hampers economic progress.

Unequal responsibilities:

  If men and women both have necessary skills required for job, give Stereotyping based on gender is a deep-rooted issue that affects workplace dynamics. Traditional gender roles and stereotypes often lead to certain expectations and assumptions about an individual’s abilities, strengths, and roles within an organization. These biases can limit opportunities for both men and women, hindering their professional growth


 At workplace there should be gender neutral conversation. Language should be kind, respectful  and professional towards all irrespective of any gender.

Glass ceilings

Gender discrimination often manifests in the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions. The “glass ceiling” phenomenon refers to the invisible barriers that prevent women from advancing to top-level positions within organizations. This lack of representation perpetuates the notion that certain leadership roles are more suitable for men, reinforcing gender bias.

Promotion and Advancement Opportunities

Women often face challenges when it comes to promotion and career advancement. Biases and stereotypes may influence decision-making processes, leading to qualified women being overlooked for opportunities or being held to higher standards compared to their male counterparts. This bias can have long-term consequences on women’s career trajectories.

Rules and policies

Rules and policies should be equal for both genders. Hiring and termination policies should also be equal without any discrimination.

Double Standards

Double standards based on gender are another manifestation of gender bias in the workplace. Men and women may be judged differently for the same behaviors or traits. For instance, assertiveness in men might be seen as a positive leadership quality, while the same behavior in women may be labeled as aggressive or bossy. These double standards reinforce gender bias and hinder professional growth.

Lack of Flexible Work Arrangements

Gender discrimination can also be observed in the limited availability of flexible work arrangements, such as part-time work or remote work options. This lack of flexibility disproportionately affects individuals who bear caregiving responsibilities, often falling on women. Such biases can create barriers to achieving work-life balance and hinder career progression.

Outdated views

  Society has changed a lot over the last decade. So do not stick to the views of nineties if you want to move ahead with time.

Thank You so much for reading this article.

You can also watch my YouTube (Target B.Ed) video to get more clarity on the topic.


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